Published on May 16 2015



French President François Hollande has been on something of an international tour quite recently – and some people here ironically suggested that it is to escape from his critics! Notwithstanding that, he visited Haiti and made a number of pledges to help the people of this former French colony before going to Cuba.

And, of course, he met Fidel Castro and the press was on hand to witness and photograph the historic handshake. But did you notice anything unusual?


François looks happy this time and seems to have worked out where the cameras are.

And el lider maximo looks happy and alert too.

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But I just couldn’t help but notice the jacket worn by Fidel; after all those years spent criticizing capitalism, he seems to have fallen into the trap of fashion-victimhood. Look closely and you will see the three stripes and logo of the not-so-revolutionary company Addas!

He’s almost 90 so I imagine that like many old people, he has to choose comfortable clothes; but it does seem strange that the man who used to espouse world revolution is comfortable with international capitalism.


Indeed, how long before we see him drinking Coke and eating at McDonalds…?

Written by Peter SANDERSON-DYKES

Published on #Humour, #François Hollande, #Haiti, #Cuba, #Fidel Castro

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