On This Day October 17

Published on October 17 2016

Today is… 17th October.

And a strange event took place on this day in 1662 when Charles II King of Great Britain sold Dunkirk to France for 40,000 pounds. Now I wonder did he feel that he’d got a good price and did he even consult the inhabitants of Dunkirk? Anyway that’s another story.

On 17th October in 1931 Al Capone was convicted on income tax evasion and was sentenced to 11 years in prison. He was released in 1939. 

On this day in 1933 Dr. Albert Einstein moved to Princeton after leaving Germany due to the persecution of the Jews and in 1979 Mother Teresa of India was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


Today is The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. Now officially recognised by the United Nations, the first commemoration of the event took place in Paris in 1987 when more than 100,000 people gathered on the Human Rights and Liberties Plaza at the Trocadéro to honour victims of poverty, hunger, violence and fear. This call was made by Joseph Wresinski founder of the International Movement ATD Fourth World.

The text engraved in the stone reads as follows: Wherever men and women are condemned to live in extreme poverty, human rights are violated. To come together to ensure that these rights be respected is our solemn duty. Joseph Wresinski died in 1988 but the work he began is still in motion.


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